• 12.12.2017, 19:00
  • Talk
  • TU Wien

Ignacio Valero – Emotariat Burnout, Climate Change, and the Neoliberal Flat Earth: An EcoDomics Critique

The present condition – the Emotariat – of emotional exploitation of precarious workers and citizens, subject to the impulses of neoliberal globalization with its impacts on social inequality, techno-fetishistic consumerism, ecological destruction, populism, deepening angst etc., asks for a variety of ways and strategies to respond to and resist.

What if instead of this “globalization” in the midst of conflict we are afflicted by today, we could recuperate and update some aspects of that geo-cultural sensibility, through an ecumene that is rooted in oikos, via a creative practice: the Aesthetics of the Commons?

IGNACIO VALERO’s concept of EcoDomics as a proposed art of living and making (in) common(s), searches for a new aesthetic(s) of the common(s), connecting ecology, economy, technology, politics, and subjectivity, through a transversal genealogy and practice: oikos, koinos and aisthesis, or, eco, common(s) and aesthetic(s).

IGNACIO VALERO has a PhD from the University of California, Berkeley, and is associate professor of humanities and sciences at the California College of the Arts, San Francisco. He is currently in Vienna as professorial research fellow for the FWF research project Data{Publics} and visiting lecturer at the Visual Culture Department, TU Wien.

12.12.2017, 19:00Talk

TU WienArgentinierstraße 8/EGSeminarraum ARG1040 Vienna