• 04.10.2021
  • News

LAUNCH OF Master Module 2021: Living on Platforms II

Staying with the Trouble

This winter term’s VISUAL CULTURE MASTER MODULE launches on 4 October 2021 with an introductory talk by PETER MÖRTENBÖCK and HELGE MOOSHAMMER.

With the COVID-19 crisis still ongoing, we continue to live out our lives on platforms. Screens have become our primary interface to the outside world. The global pandemic also has thrown into relief a number of other crises – climate change, racial violence, overwhelming social inequality. Trust in policy makers is dwindling as empty rethoric is used in ever more opportunistic ways. But do we really want to go back to the way things were before the crisis?

Following DONNA HARAWAY’s argument for Sym-Poiesis and HASHIM SARKIS question of ‘How will we live together?’ students will gather insights on LIVING ON PLATFORMS and funnel their findings into creating analytical, collaborative and visionary multi-media projects.

Registration is required!