networked cultures – conversations
NETWORKED CULTURES has employed a series of conversations with theorists and practitioners to collectively produce knowledge around an emerging praxis of unsolicited intervention in spatial contexts founded on process guided work and transversal project platforms.
These conversations are part of the book Networked Cultures: Parallel Architectures and the Politics of Space and can be accessed online below.
Our dialogue partners include:
Özge Açıkkol, Azra Akšamija, Ayreen Anastas, Ricardo Basbaum, Helmut Batista, Jochen Becker, Matei Bejenaru, Ursula Biemann, Sylvie Blocher, Stefano Boeri, Katherine Carl, Sarah Carrington, Branka Ćurčić, François Daune, Igor Dobricic, Ana Dzokic, Joan Escofet, Jesko Fezer, Asya Filippova, Rene Gabri, Iacopo Gallico, Sophie Hope, Nataša Ilić, Guven Incirlioglu, Katrin Klingan, Vasıf Kortun, Erden Kosova, Olga Lopoukhova, Margarethe Makovec, Marc Neelen, Philipp Oswalt, Kyong Park, Marta Paz, Constantin Petcou, Tadej Pogačar, Poka-Yio, Marjetica Potrc, Gerald Raunig, Oliver Ressler, Josep Saldaña, Marko Sančanin, Güneş Savaş, Florian Schneider, Despoina Sevasti, Pablo de Soto, Srdjan J. Weiss, Eyal Weizman, Seçil Yersel and Claudia Zanfi.

- Research
- Interview
conversation with Ana Dzokic and Marc Neelen

- Research
- Interview
Conversation with Asya Filippova

- Research
- Interview
conversation with Christoph Schaefer

- Research
- Interview
conversation with Igor Dobricic

- Research
- Interview
conversation with Katrin Klingan

- Research
- Interview
Conversation with Margarete Makovec

- Research
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conversation with marta paz

- Research
- Interview
conversation with Oda Projesi

- Research
- Interview
conversation with Pablo de Soto

- Research
- Interview
conversation with Srdjan J. Weiss

- Research
- Interview
conversation with Ursula Biemann

- Research
- Interview
conversation with Ayreen Anastas and Rene Gabri

- Research
- Interview
Conversation with Campement Urbain

- Research
- Interview
Conversation with Erden Kosova

- Research
- Interview
conversation with Irit Rogoff

- Research
- Interview
conversation with Jochen Becker

- Research
- Interview
Conversation with Les Complices

- Research
- Interview
conversation with Marjetica Potrc

- Research
- Interview
conversation with Matei Bejenaru

- Research
- Interview
conversation with Olga Lopoukhova

- Research
- Interview
conversation with Philipp Oswalt

- Research
- Interview
Conversation with Stefano Boeri

- Research
- Interview
conversation with Vasif Kortun

- Research
- Interview
conversation with atelier d’architecture autogérée (aaa)

- Research
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conversation with Claudia Zanfi

- Research
- Interview
conversation with Helmut Batista

- Research
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conversation with Jesko Fezer

- Research
- Interview
conversation with Kyong Park

- Research
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Conversation with Manuela Hoetzl

- Research
- Interview
conversation with Marko Sancanin

- Research
- Interview
conversation with Natasa Illic

- Research
- Interview
conversation with Oliver Ressler

- Research
- Interview
conversation with Ricardo Basbaum

- Research
- Interview
conversation with Tadej Pogacar

- Research
- Interview