- Database
- Barcelona
- 01.01.2002
[openfridays]: generating a network in the work space
Openfridays came into being as a result of opening straddle3’s work space to the reflection on the implications of new concepts of the movement of freeware, and specifically of exploring new social practices at work and in the company in the digital era. the first sessions formed part of a body of research into the theme in collaboration with riereta.net, a technological workshop centring on open source.
In the two or more years of experience of this event, a ‘collective of collectives’ dynamic has emerged. openfridays are held in an open, spontaneous, friendly atmosphere in which the social situation is understood to be art. From the very start, context’s initiatives set out to appropriate and disseminate emerging culture as a new ‘art of living’. this is why we have adopted the words of tom marioni: ‘having a beer with friends is the highest form of art.’
This has generated a social network that is contributing to the creation of new cultural platforms such as dorkbot barcelona (people who do weird things with electricity), telenoika.net (‘audiovisual creative open community’), cityborg.net (‘city of virtual spaces’) or the recently created citizen, collaborative and independent grassroot platform nau21.
It has also contributed to projects such as parccentralpark (an experience involving the reappropriation of urban space) or fadaiat (a virtual bridge over the strait of gibraltar).