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- Iasi
- 12.05.2006
periferic biennial
The seventh edition of Periferic Biennial is a project which focusses on different
aspects of socio-political and cultural context of Iasi and Romania. The project will result in a series of exhibitions, opening in Iasi on May 12, 2006.
Detailed information on Periferic and Iasi can be found at http://www.periferic.org
Periferic 7 focusses:
– on the position of Iasi in a globalized context where social, political and
economical phenomena are influencing the cultural practices, productions and
– on the recent art history and the current art scene in Romania
– on the exploration of the children condition, emphasizing on the problem of ‘child
abandonment’ in an extended sense.
Periferic 7 is structured on 3 independent sections curated by:
Marius Babias & Angelika Nollert, Florence Derieux and Attila Tordai-S.
Periferic 7 will be accompanied by 3 publications, one for each section.
Periferic 7: Focussing Iasi / Social Processes
Marius Babias (theoretician and curator, Berlin) and Angelika Nollert (curator,
Siemens Arts Program, Munich)
Cooperating partners:
Vector Association Iasi and Siemens Arts Program
Social Processes started in October 2005 with a series of conferences,
presentations and workshops and will end with an exhibition in the former
Turkish Bath. The invited artists will inquire into the social, cultural,
and socio-political facets of Iasi: a cultural gateway between Romania,
Ukraine, Moldova, and Transnistria. The artists will concentrate on projects
with a specific reference to Iasi. In May 2006 the final presentation of the
art projects will be mounted in the Turkish Baths, a historical building in
the heart of Iasi. In addition, “Social Processes” will be accompanied by
Vector Art Data Bank, showing a collection of artist’s materials and art
initiatives from Romania and bordering countries (Serbia, Ukraine, Moldova,
Bulgaria) that has been assembled by Matei Bejenaru and Catalin Gheorghe.
A sourcebook with the artists’ contributions will be published and distributed by
Luchezar Boyadjiev (Bulgaria)
Boris Buden (Austria)
Nicoleta Esinencu (Moldova)
Andrea Faciu (Germany)
H.arta (Romania)
Christine and Irene Hohenbüchler (Austria)
Laura Horelli (Finland)
John Miller (USA)
Dan Perjovschi (Romania)
Lia Perjovschi (Romania)
Hito Steyerl (Germany)
Supported by:
Romanian Cultural Institute
FRAME Helsinki,
IFA Stuttgart
Kontakt. The Arts and Civil Society Program of Erste Bank Group in Central
Barnard College of Columbia University New York
Ringier AG
Periferic 7: Focussing Iasi / Strategies of Learning
Florence Derieux (curator, Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts, Lausanne)
Strategies of Learning is a pragmatic response to a certain context and a proposal
to simultaneously generate, collect, import and export information on Romania’s
contemporary art history and art scene. This project develops itself and starts from
the peculiar and complex context offered by Periferic 7 – International Biennial for
Contemporary Art. Which types of relations can we indeed initiate with others, their art and history as well as their specific realities, within the frame of a biennial? Art being the sole denominator, a common basis of knowledge and understanding
must first and foremost pre-exist in order to communicate. If the emergence of
history, with its attendant devices (exhibition and book), is art’s new site, Strategies
of Learning propose to use the biennial’s obsolete and compromised curatorial
format as a flexible tool to research and create common artistic references.
Sandy Amerio (France)
Bik Van der Pol (The Netherlands)
Valentin Carron (Switzerland)
Latifa Echakhch (Morocco/France)
Jens Haaning (Denmark)
Pierre Joseph (France)
Mattias Olofsson (Sweden)
Sean Snyder (USA/Germany)
Simon Starling (UK/Germany)
Andrei Ujica & Harun Farocki (Romania/Germany; Germany)
Supported by:
Ambassade de France à Bucarest
Centre Culturel Français de Ias•i
Dutch Embassy in Bucharest
IASPIS Stockholm
The Danish Arts Council
Periferic 7: Focusing Iasi / Why Children?
Attila Tordai-S. (curator of Protokoll Studio, editor of Idea arts + society
magazine, Cluj, Romania)
In the rush to change after 1989, to become a “grown up” member of modern
Europe, to transform into a working, economically viable democracy, Romanian
society has not been alerted to the cost that this metamorphosis may be
extracting from its children. Even attentive parents and teachers find it very
difficult to stand up to the onslaught of this new Romanian society which is so
driven by market forces, without any thought to the social cost and consequences
of this aggressive marketing. Change in Romanian society is inevitable and
necessary but how can this happen in such a way as children would not become
infant consumers to whomever can best grab their attention?
Through artist proposals, lectures, workshops and side events, the project is
aiming to discuss the issue of child abandonment in an extended sense.
Big Hope (Miklos Erhardt, Dominic Hislop, Elske Rosenfeld)
Mircea Cantor & Gabriela Vanga (France/Romania)
Ioana Nemes (Romania)
Elke Marhöfer (Germany)
Ciprian Muresan (Romania)
Katya Sander (Denmark)
Nedko Solakov (Bulgaria)
Supported by:
Allianz Kulturstiftung, Akademie Schloss Solitude Stuttgart
About Periferic
The Periferic project was initiated in 1997 in Ias•i, Romania, as a performance
festival. Since 2001, it has been transformed into a contemporary art biennial with
the intention to develop a local art scene and to encourage the exchange of ideas
and people from different political and cultural contexts.
About Iasi
Iasi is a city of 400.000 inhabitants, being one of the country’s largest university
cities with more than 60.000 students. Once the capital of Moldova, Ias•i is located
near the border with Republic of Moldova (a former soviet republic). Following
Romania’s entry into the EU in 2007, it will become one of the eastern outposts of
the Union.
Periferic 7 Biennial is supported by:
European Cultural Foundation Amsterdam
Romanian Ministry of Culture Bucharest
French-German Cultural Fund
Vector Association in Iasi
Municipality of Iasi
Centre Culturel Français de Iasi
Goethe Zentrum Iasi
University of Arts “George Enescu” Iasi
Sponsored by:
BRD-Groupe Societe Generale
Polirom Publishing House
Media Partners:
Radio Delta RFI
Jurnalul de Est
Observator Cultural
Suplimentul de Cultura
TVR Iasi
Ziarul de Iasi
Periferic team:
Matei Bejenaru – director
Dan Acostioaei – assistant director
Iulia Tencariu, Livia Tencariu – office assistants
Catalin Gheorghe, Vlad Morariu, Cristi Nae – responsible for communication, PR
and documentation
Dragos Alexandrescu – photo and video documentarist
Bogdan Teodorescu – production director
Periferic Office:
Tel/fax: 0040 232 237486
Email: office@periferic.org,

Periferic 7 – Focussing Iasi
International Biennial for Contemporary Art
Iasi, Romania
May 12-30th, 2006