- Database
- Rotterdam
- 01.01.2004
STEALTH.unlimited is a practice with an interest in urban systems. Our approach starts with turning usually not recognized urban practices and relations visible. For instance, how control over space shifts, who is allowed to appropriate space, and what are the hidden forces behind. It is a view on the city driven by dynamics of spatial and programmatic evolution – and a perspective that finds its relevance in culture, art and science as much as in spatial planning.
We see two ways how innovation comes to being: on the one hand design as an intuitive power of relating elements in a complex setting and on the other the potential of emergence through a massive, crude power of parallel interventions. If we look in this way, urban development can be seen as a result of both a plan and ‘infections’ of temporary forces that respond to the very now and by that catalyze adaptable (or surprising) futures. Something that can be stimulated by devising designs that allow some freedom for this massive power to start playing out.
To actually engage with these dynamics and look for ways to open topics to a wider debate, we conceive prototypes for tools (ranging from experimental digital models to on-site physical ones) that enable for interaction. By experimenting on the borderlines of cultural and technological issues, most of the projects demand a cross-disciplinary approach involving other participants or expertise, and regularly adopt models used in other experimental disciplines, like digital evolution or artificial intelligence – a vitalizing force weaving itself into our work.
Stealth established or participated in a number of projects (like Europe Lost and Found, Wild City or Urban Catalyst) on the complexity and inconsistency of the contemporary city in very different contexts. These have been internationally published and exhibited at a/o: 2nd Architectural Biennial Beijing (2006, Beijing), Museum Boijmans van Beuningen (2006, Rotterdam), V2, Institute for Unstable Media (2005, Rotterdam), ArchiLAB 2004 (2004, Orleans), Kunstverein Munich (2004, Munich), Fridricianum (2004, Kassel), Apexart (2004, New York), Urban Drift (2003, Berlin), Mutations/USE (2000-2, Bordeaux, Tokyo, Brussels, Milan).
People and organisations with which Stealth work(ed): 2012 architects, ArchiNed, Berlage Institute, Bik van der Pol, Borut Separovic, Edwin van der Heide, European Cultural Foundation, IASPIS, Ivan Kucina, KCAP, Maartje Dros, Martijn Eerens, MaxWan, Milica Topalovic, Multimedia Institut MAMA, Nat Muller, -scape, Stadsredactie Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, Omnicom, Platforma 9.81, SpaceLab TU Delft, Studio Urban Catalyst, V2_ and others..