- Database
- London
- 01.04.2005
is an art architecture collaboration that reapporpriates the taxi using it as a tool through which to rethink and propose a series of inteventions within and through the territory of the urban. taxi_onomy is an architectural and virtual interface.
subcontingency, fondazione sandretto re rebaudengo, turin, 2006, curated by ilaria bonacossa and francesco manacorda.
la linea sottile, pescara electronic arts meeting, pescara/venice, 2005, curate by francesca colasante and marco antonini
public structures, commissioned by gavin wade for the second ghangzhou triennal, curated by hon hanru, hans ulrich obrist and guo xiaoyan 2005/2006
future wireless, commissioned by cybersalon, science museum, london, 2005
did someone say participate: an atlas of spatial practice edited by shumon bazar and markus miessen, revolver/mit press, 2006
media mutandis: a node.london reader surveying art, technologies and politics edited by marina vishmidt, node.london, 2006
subcontingent: the indian subcontinent in contemporary art edited by ilaria bonacossa and francesco manacorda, electra, 2006